

Latest Rumors from the WH

The Bozosphere, always with its nose to the ground to provide you with the latest news just learned this. Rumors abound that #POTUS will move Presidents Day to June 14, his birthday, and rename it THE PRESIDENT’S DAY (all caps…

Panda Tariffs Proposed

Persons in the know whose names cannot be used publicly have informed the Bozosphere that the new administration will announce a tariff on pandas imported into the United States from China. Our source said the soon to be POTUS is…

New Embargo Announced!

Speculation is raging about an embargo that could easily shake the political world. This comes from a member of the Not Yet POTUS team who wishes to remain anonymous because he’s concerned about his future. Our source said the Not…

Scotch Tape, 100s of Uses

The Bozosphere just noticed an interesting comment on a box of Scotch Tape. Hundreds of uses! Who knew? We got together at a local dive bar after work one day and tried to think of hundreds of uses, but we…

This Week’s Conspiracy Theories

We at the Bozosphere are appalled at the shooting of the former POTUS at the rally in Pennsylvania. No matter what one’s political views may be, this was an awful event. However, the usual collection of conspiracy theories about the…

Money ill spent

The other week stockholders of Tesla agreed to a $56B payout to a boss whose interests are elsewhere, whose sales figures are falling and who has seen a precipitous drop in stock price. What are those people/institution/bots thinking? The other…

Bozos in the News

Wherever you are, there are Bozos all around you. Today, my old pal HLD3 (who probably doesn’t want his full name associated with Bozo) sent me this wonderful Far Side cartoon about the Bozone layer. On another sad note,…

Update on OJ Simpson

The Bozosphere has been made privy to some facts regarding the funeral arrangements for OJ Simpson. First, OJ will NOT be buried next to his ex-wife Nicole. Her family is dead set against the idea. You may recall the OJ…

New Trump Bible – Special Edition

The Bozosphere has just acquired a Special Edition of the Donald Trump’s newly released bible. What makes this edition special is that it appears every time the word Jesus appears in standard bibles, it has been replaced by the word…

Baltimore Bridge Conspiracy Theories

According to a CNN article of March 28, there have been a rash of conspiracy theories about What Really Caused The Baltimore Bridge Accident. Here’s what CNN came up with: “The claims ranged from a cyber-attack or a ship captain…

Another Exclusive Interview with DJT

The Bozosphere presents another interview with Darnold J Trump, reported to be a Major Player in GOP Politics. You can see our first interview here B: Thank you Mr. Trump for being here. DJT: Didn’t I tell you to refer…

The GOP Embraces DEI

No, it’s not what you’re thinking. The Republican party is not advocating or even tolerating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Mention that phrase in anything but the most negative way and you’re going to be unceremoniously bunged from the party. The…

Plagiarism at the Bozosphere and Beyond

With the recent stories of plagiarism in the news, we at the Bozosphere want to make our position absolutely clear. But first, a bit of history.  A member of our staff, whose name we will not use for obvious reasons,…