Another Exclusive Interview with DJT

The Bozosphere presents another interview with Darnold J Trump, reported to be a Major Player in GOP Politics. You can see our first interview here

B: Thank you Mr. Trump for being here.

DJT: Didn’t I tell you to refer to me as Your Trumpness.

B: How could we have forgotten! Your Trumpness, is it true that should the ex POTUS be reelected that you will be given a prominent position in his cabinet?

DJT: Yes, off the record, I’m slated to be Secretary of Truth, assessing what the press can and cannot say, not just about the POTUS, but on pretty much everything, including fashion, sports, and that stuff.

B: I realize that JFK appointed his brother to be Attorney General, but don’t you think this smacks of nepotism?

DJT: No, it’s nephewtism. And please call me Your Trumpness in the future!

B: Your Trumpness, nephewtism is not a word in English.

DJT: But nepotism comes from the French and Italian word for nephew. The POTUS will put me in charge of permitted words in my role as Secretary of Truth.

B: If elected how should we address the ex POTUS should he be reelected.

DJT: First of all, he already is the POTUS. The last election was stolen and we have already counted the ballots for the upcoming November election. He can be called, Your Extreme and Perfect Trumpness or simply Mein Führer.

B: Doesn’t that name have associations with the racist chancellor of Germany?

DJT: That is a lie. Election denial goes hand in hand with Holocaust denial and we’re going very big on both of these going forward. His Extreme and Perfect Trumpness will look deeply into those who voted against him and take corrective measures. You neglected to call me Your Trumpness again. Interview over!