Baltimore Bridge Conspiracy Theories

According to a CNN article of March 28, there have been a rash of conspiracy theories about What Really Caused The Baltimore Bridge Accident. Here’s what CNN came up with: “The claims ranged from a cyber-attack or a ship captain impaired by side effects from Covid-19 vaccines being responsible for the crash – to claims that Israel, or even the Obamas had something to do with the bridge’s collapse.”

The Bozosphere has been in contact with a woman claiming to be a Marjorie Taylor Green. She claims she knows that “George Santos did it with space lasers like he did in Iceland which caused the lava explosions.”

The Bozosphere reminded her that she claimed it was George Soros who used space lasers to create the California wildfires. The person claiming to be MTG, said it was actually a terrorist attack and then promptly hung up.

The Bozosphere, speaking to non-existent sources, has heard that the bridge actually hit the ship and not vice versa as claimed in the news. We’ll be following up on this and keep you informed.