Plagiarism at the Bozosphere and Beyond

With the recent stories of plagiarism in the news, we at the Bozosphere want to make our position absolutely clear. But first, a bit of history. 

A member of our staff, whose name we will not use for obvious reasons, recently told us that he/she/they had plagiarized his/her/their Ph.D. dissertation at a well-known university in Boslovinia.  It was titled “A History of Plagiarism in Boslovinian Universities.” Apparently, our staff member had plagiarized the entire work from over 100 sources, none of which he/she/they acknowledged because it seemed natural to plagiarize a history of plagiarism.  Rather than punish our staff member, we actually applaud this wonderful piece of self-referential plagiarism. He/she/they included his/her/their own work in the thesis.

We’re reminded of the Tom Lehrer song Lobachevsky (please notice that we have acknowledged the author despite an overwhelming desire to claim it as our own).
Plagiarize Let no one else’s work evade your eyes

Remember why the good Lord made your eyes

So don’t shade your eyes But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize

Only be sure always to call it please ‘research’

Our position is akin to that of Lehrer.  Readers can infer from that what they will.  Readers of the dissertation mentioned above will notice that we have copied this blog post from another unnamed and unacknowledged source.