Humane Death Penalty Methods

Given the Supremes recent decision to take up the matter, the New York times today had an Op-Ed piece on the Death Penalty today. This blog post is not about whether or not we as a society should execute people.…

Helping out Mr. Putin

This has been a big week for Vladimir Putin. He’s sending more troops and supplies to the border with the Ukraine, has sent ships near Australian waters (to protect Russian interests in the Outback???), and may be testing NATO air…

Church of Biggie M announces new positions

The Church of Biggie M, referenced in a previous post, announces today that it’s Executive Committee has recommended the creation of executive positions to help the Church in its mission. These new positions are: CTO = Chief Theology Officer (for…

Hobby Lobby decision

Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have said it very well in her dissent —  — but now with the Supremes weighing in on the Hobby Lobby decision,  I want to make clear that employees of any organization run by member of…

Taxes, User Fees, and a Bold New Idea

Taxes are BAD.  Never mind that they pay for a civilized society.  Never mind that without them life as we know and like would not exist.  Taxes are BAD, instruments of the Devil, unAmerican, and are always proposed by Liberals…

Blame Game, Name Game, Yfems …

13 April 2014 The Blame Game, in addition to being the name of a popular song, is an expression that means finding someone/something to blame when things go badly.  While the term is new, the action is eons old.  …

Votes for sale

Today, April 2, just one day too late for symbolic effect, the Supreme Court announced that there are no limits to the amounts individuals, groups, corporations, etc. can contribute to political campaigns.  The punditry believes that this will increase the…

News Flash — Russia annexes Brighton Beach

March 18, 2014 — Russian Czar Wannabe Vladimir Putin announced today the Russia has annexed the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn NY.  Citing unspecified fears from the mostly Russian population of Brighton Beach of limitations on vodka and blini imports,…

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name? You may think that the real issues inside the Beltway deal with the workings of the U.S. government or the lack thereof.  Actually, there is a much larger issue that seems to be gaining ground, or…