U Anon Theories

We all know the U follows Q in the English language and we here at the Bozosphere have uncovered the next big thing in conspiracy theories, U Anon.

Here are some of U’s most recent and compelling ideas:

  • Kamala Harris is not a US Citizen. Why have we never seen her birth certificate? And if we have, how do we know it’s not forged?
  • Along those lines, have any of you seen Joe Biden’s birth certificate?
  • The Native American Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland will stage another Battle of Little Big Horn much like Civil War reenactments. The Native Americans will be using live ammo and the brave US Soldiers will get blanks.
  • Donald and Melania Trump did not willing get any vaccine for COVID. They asked for and received the placebo, but the media has hidden this from us.
  • The incident at the US Capitol on January 6 was organized by Biden’s mother’s sister Tiffany, known to the family as Aunt Tifa.
  • Many of the rioters were Russian and wore pins under their jackers that said Ya Lyublyu Putin (I Love Putin).
  • Jeffrey Epstein was killed by the Clintons before he could reveal that the traitor John McClain, a Clinton operative, killed Vince Foster.
  • Q, the author of Q Anon, is actually Hilary Clinton’s estranged twin sister, who had been hidden by the Rodham family for decades in a pizza parlor in NW Washington. She escaped during the brouhaha when a valiant Freedom Fighter attacked the pizza parlor in 2016.