GOP and Corporate Welfare

The GOP is threatening to eliminate funding for the Export-Import Bank, which provides financing for companies selling US products to foreign buyers.   If you’re not familiar with the workings of this institution, you can learn more here    Why, you may ask are they taking this stance?  Isn’t this good for business and doesn’t the GOP support business, capitalism, entrepreneurs, and the like?   No, the GOP has decided otherwise

Egads, the world’s turning upside down.  

First, Mike Huckabee has become a populist.  OK, Joe McCarthy was considered a populist by some.  Ted Cruz is called a populist by some.

But the Republicans coming out against corporate welfare is like Karl Marx becoming a Born Again Christian.  Haven’t the GOP been in favor of tax breaks for the wealthy, who own most of the corporations, lowering the corporate income tax in the name of double taxation, against raising the minimum wage because it will lower profits and so on?

Maybe it’s only the Libertarian wing of the party that believes that the government shouldn’t spend any money at all so we can cut the tax rate to 0 and private enterprise can run everything, say the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Wait, didn’t the US outsource much of the war to military contractors?  Or did they only outsource the lucrative operations?

This new world is so confusing that  I may have to outsource my thinking to an offshore entity.  That should be OK with the GOP as they seem to favor cheap labor overseas and it would not require financing from the Export-Import Bank.