Adult Day Camp

Almost all of us fortunate enough to have gone to day camp as children recall those wonderful summer days when we got to play all day and have great times with our summer buddies. Sadly, we grew up, acquired jobs, families, and responsibilities and lost those summer holiday times.

Now, there is adult day care, but that’s almost always for those with cognitive impairment. And there are expensive overnight camps, most of which have a focused activity or special interest. They’re called Spas or Retreats.

Now, we’re introducing day camp for adults. You can sign up for a single week or as many as you like during the summer. If you like, we can pick you up in our bus, so you can schmooze with your summer friends and won’t have to worry about traffic.

Here are some of the activities you can enjoy at Camp Gerry-a-tric.

Zen meditation, yoga, stretching.

Pickleball, shuffleboard, quoits, lawn bowling, bocce.

Water sports with Uncle Nate back again at the waterfront. There’s kayaking, canoeing, rafting, and swimming lessons for doggy paddle novices.

Nap time every day right after lunch. We’ll have bug juice for those who have been yearning for some for many decades. Chef Marcel’s justly famous adult mac and cheese will be available daily. There will be milk and cookies for afternoon snack.