While we are the Bozosphere have not heard from our inside contacts within the Trumposphere, we’re speculating here on what they will soon be saying about Kamala Harris. Feel free to comment on some rumors you may have heard.
- Kamala Harris led a Communist Youth group in Kindergarten at Thousand Oaks Elementary School in Berkeley CA..
- She is a Hindu princess, thus of royalty and not subject to the jurisdiction of the US laws and thus not eligible to be president.
- Have you ever seen Kamala’s birth certificate? Has anyone?
- She was born in Oakland CA., a hotbed of radicalism, the so-called People’s Republic of Oakland, thus not part of the US.
- Gertrude Stein said of Oakland, “There’s no there there.” How can a place with no there be part of anywhere, especially the U.S.A.
- She’s “nasty”. We have no room for nastiness in our politics, except for the President and his enablers.
- She’s not the descendent of slaves. Her father was Jamaican and the Africans came there for the resorts and beaches. They would have been far happier in Mar-a-Lago which is the best resort in the world.
- If she loves America as she claims, why did she choose to go to high school in Canada? By the way, in the 2nd Trump term, we’re building a beautiful wall to keep Canadians out and Americans from leaving.
- President Trump went to an Ivy League school. Where did Kamala go to college?
- If she’s such a terrific person, how come she didn’t get married until she was 50 years old? What does that tell you about her.